Monday, September 7, 2009

It's Tuesday, I'm happy, I'm 60!

If I had thought I could say that 30 years ago or even 20 years ago, it would have saved me a lot of worry! I am so happy to announce that getting older is terribly enjoyable and I wish all of you who read this as much fun when you get old! Here are the myths that I now can say with my life have been totally busted:

Your brain will go to mush
You won't be able to move
You will lose interest in sex
You will let her hair go natural
You will start wearing 'mature lady' clothes
You will stop exercising
You won't be able to see
You won't be able to hear
You won't be able to drive
Your shoes will be comfortable but ugly
You will stop working
You will stop wanting to explore new ideas
You will not be able to start a new career

Okay, you get the picture. Life doesn't end at 59. It's hard to see into the future when you are young. 60 looks a long way off. 80 looks a long way off for me right now. And I know that many things can happen between now and then. I know that many people don't make it to 60. But the life expectancy is increasing. We have more assistance to prolong life. I'm all for it!

Life is great! Get out and feel it! Jump around a little bit sometimes! Sing your favorite song in the grocery store! Why not?! Who cares?! Give a friendly smile to someone who might need to know that someone cares. Let your love shine out! Be happy! Appreciate what you have! and keep on dreaming the big ones!

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