Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The End of a Decade or the Beginning of a New One

I am really enjoying the end of this decade and have been thinking about what has taken place. And I feel so ready for all the new things that I have been working toward to support the New Year and the next ten years of my life.

I have been focusing on what I want in my life and what I am ready to leave behind. The last ten years began for me with a terrible auto accident that left me and my husband stunned, shaken and weakened for quite a long time. Recovery may still be ungoing due to the effects of tissue damage, sometimes worse than broken bones. The nightmare of that time coincided with a depressing decline in our business and a feeling that we are spinning our wheels and not going anywhere.

As the recovery began I decided that I didn't want to stay in a helpless, victimized position and truly wanted to heal and direct my attention on getting well and moving forward. By just thinking that way I felt myself improve physically and found ways to overcome the effects of my disabled body. My interests ranged from Reiki healing, chiropractic sessions, Adam the DreamHealer, positive thinking, the Hicks who talk about the law of attraction in real life ways, and healing in general. The most helpful of all and I must say the most profound for me was the change that affected my way of thinking. That had to do with the Course in Miracles.

No one told me to read it. No one promoted it. It was truly a gift from spirit or possible my own subconscious that wanted answers. I found myself thinking about the Course in Miracles which I had vaguely seen somewhere or heard somewhere, I know not where. After I located the book, and started reading it-the format is a page or lesson a day-I could see the mental constructs that I was operating from, how some were helpful and some just plain ol dumb. For a year I studied the CIM and for the next three years felt the effects as I began to adjust my thinking to a new reality and understanding of my life.

Of course in between all that was 9/11 and all the ramifications of that turmoil which as citizens of USA we were all engulfed in. Also damaging political policies, lies, and the general malaise and unproductivity of the administration, the secrecy and the unwillingness to move this country forward in an intelligent thoughtful way was frustrating. Here was Christine having her own moments of sheer sanity, clarity and thoughtfulness about a new direction. Here was Christine, a 50 years plus female, a mother, wife, an artist, a teacher, a thinker, having major hissy fits with herself and her life!

I don't know if everyone starts reflecting big time when they turn 50. Maybe some do and some don't. I have always been rather introspective as well as rather emotional about stuff. Learning how to work with my energies has been a revelation. That I can channel my energy in the direction I choose. That I am creating my own reality by my thoughts, my actions, my goals and how I act on them.

So as the decade developed my growth took place but with major growing pains as well. Shedding an old skin can be painful when I don't know what the new one will feel like. Do I really want to give up the old, disfunctional coat for a new one that is untried? Christine being Christine being an adventuresome person has no choice. She goes forward, she figures stuff out, she assesses where she has been and where she wants to go. The planning moves forward. New ways of thinking continue to take place. A realization that I don't have to settle for what doesn't work. That I can be true to myself and be honest with myself even if it is painful. That is a bit of a joke though because the pain is only from not letting go. The pain doesn't need to be there. The pain is disfunctional and only a scab on true emotional, mental and physical growth. Pull it off, let what's teeming under the surface come up, examine it, and see what's under it: the real me that wants to come forward and is coming into herself.

Some teachers say that this is inevitable. That all personal growth will take place throughout time and incarnations. So we are all going into greater and greater awareness. I happen to believe this is true. Whether it is true or not for others, it does seem like the lessons we learn are going to happen and we can't stop them. As long as we are breathing stuff happens and we go through life either kicking, screaming, or enjoying the ride.

I have kicked and screamed for a long time. I have scratched my nails on the blackboard and felt the shiver of discontent many many times. I have also felt extreme happiness, satisfaction, joy, harmony, peace, contentment, and acceptance. I am choosing the smooth ride....that's it: the smooooooooooooth ride! Can you feel it?

So as the decade ends and I reflect on all the things that took place, I am willing to close up that ten years and put a big red bow on it and call it a gift of wonderful knowlege, understanding, that came with a price>the price of leaving it for another reality> the reality of a continuing exploration of a greater expansion of awareness of what my life is really all about.

When I turned 50 I had a conscious thought that I wanted to life 50 more years. Now I am at the +10 after that and I swear it is getting even better. Don't let anyone tell you that life ends at any certain time or age. The jokes may keep coming but life does improve like fine wine, aging and mellow with each year.

I look forward to 2010 and if you are reading this blog I urge you to examine your own year, your own life and create your own 2010. Make your new year the most exciting year of your life. Start by working on a plan for greater happiness. Get rid of what's holding you back from the happiness you deserve. Explore where you have never gone before. You are a wonderful individual with a very specific reason for being on planet earth. Do you know your mission? Are you united with it and purposeful in its expression? Love more and hate less. Let the love in your heart come out more and the anger and frustration become the exception rather than the norm. Allow your self the freedom to be, to see, to live and love the life you deserve(sorry if this is corny!) but it has to be said! Make the next ten years a blueprint for the most incredible decade of your life and watch yourself go there. Take the dare from an aging Polish princess.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wall Street Jungle

Hey kids, want to learn stuff your stupid parents refuse to learn? Don't waste time trying to learn things from them about the current financial crisis. This game can be over in about 30 minutes and you'll have lots of new facts to tell your friends.

Wall Street Jungle

Come on kids and play this game. You don't have anything better to do now anyways. They have repossessed your TV, computer, car and home. That's the beauty of this game. You can play it in your tent you are now living in. Just spread it out on the dirt floor and learn lots of stuff you never knew before! Adults you can join in too if your brains are still working.

Games pieces 100 moves Begin at space#1: Begin Financial Meltdown
Donkeys End at space#100: Rebuilt Financial Institutions

Take turns picking cards to get to the final space on the board. Here are some unique highlights of this game. You can actually win in two moves if you select these two cards:

Execs stop raiding their companies to get salaries greater than their earnings. Go forward 50 spaces.
Government refuses to allow the same people who created the meltdown to fix it. Go forward 50 spaces.

You can also lose big time if you select the following cards:

We got all the money. Go back 50 steps.
Work at Goldman Sachs. Go back 50 steps. Identical cards.
Work at Lehman Brothers. Go back 50 steps. Identical cards.

Bush administration stops laws regulating trading. Go back 50 steps.
Excessively high salary puts company at risk. Go back 50 steps.

You buy futures in oil and cause gas prices to explode. Go back 50 steps. Identical card colors.
To make a profit, you tell the public we are running out of oil. Go back 50 steps. Identical card colors.

Business refuses innovation, no one wants their products. Go back 50 steps. Yellow card.
Banks refuse to loan out bailout money, business can't get credit to innovate. Go back 50 steps. Yellow card.

Well, by now you've learned you can't ever finish this game. That's okay. Just keep on playing it over and over again. It might just sink it. You too parents.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Butterfly, the Flower and the Gecko

I'm surrounded by lots of interesting critters where I live. Been looking out my window at a butterfly flitting, flirting with a flower and could feel its excitement as it pulled the nectar from a group of wildflowers. The gecko just crawled across my living room floor; yes, I don't mind sharing my dwelling with these rather sweet lizards. It seemed a little nervous as I approached it and just kept on going at a, I thought, rather leisurely pace. I like that I get invited into their world for my viewing pleasure. Don't really know how they feel about me.

While my cat was alive there was so much wildlife activity outside the house. The squirrels were always yakking at the cat, taunting it and scurrying around on the roof, up the trees, jumping from one area to another. I swear this one squirrel would be hanging out on the tree right where my cat would lay and squawk at it every day. My cat would just seem to tolerate it.

While my cat was alive there were several cardinals that hung out around the house. I can't for the life of me figure out why they were around while my cat was around. One of them, a bright red male, would fly right into a mirror I have posted on an outside wall. He would fly into it everyday. First he would zoom by it, then go flap his wings at 90 miles an hour right in front of it before he would crash right into it, then fly away. He repeated this so many times it became almost ordinary if it wasn't so strange.

I was really disturbed most by the squirrels as they would run on the roof of my bedroom constantly. This went on for a really long time. The strange thing now with my cat having gone to the Great Land where deceased cats go, is the lack of activity around the house. It's been two months since my cat hasn't been hanging outside the house anymore. That's long enough to see that something has definitely changed. No more critter activity.

I didn't notice it at first, of course, missing my cat hanging around. One day recently I looked outside and listened. There were no squirrels. There were no cardinals. It was kind of spooky.

It was so noticeable! I asked my assistant if she noticed it. She said she had seen a lot of squirrels down the road. That got me to thinking that maybe they went looking for another cat to hang out with.

Then I started really thinking. Was all this wildlife just here for my cat? Did he attract it into his world because that's his reality? I do believe that we are co-creators in this world building our own life with visions and actions. I never thought of my cat perhaps doing the same. At least I never saw the physical environment of a cat's life change like that before.

I'm keeping a close eye out for those squirrels. If they come back, there might be a stray cat around. There were three deer in our field yesterday. Wonder what that's all about?

Monday, September 7, 2009

It's Tuesday, I'm happy, I'm 60!

If I had thought I could say that 30 years ago or even 20 years ago, it would have saved me a lot of worry! I am so happy to announce that getting older is terribly enjoyable and I wish all of you who read this as much fun when you get old! Here are the myths that I now can say with my life have been totally busted:

Your brain will go to mush
You won't be able to move
You will lose interest in sex
You will let her hair go natural
You will start wearing 'mature lady' clothes
You will stop exercising
You won't be able to see
You won't be able to hear
You won't be able to drive
Your shoes will be comfortable but ugly
You will stop working
You will stop wanting to explore new ideas
You will not be able to start a new career

Okay, you get the picture. Life doesn't end at 59. It's hard to see into the future when you are young. 60 looks a long way off. 80 looks a long way off for me right now. And I know that many things can happen between now and then. I know that many people don't make it to 60. But the life expectancy is increasing. We have more assistance to prolong life. I'm all for it!

Life is great! Get out and feel it! Jump around a little bit sometimes! Sing your favorite song in the grocery store! Why not?! Who cares?! Give a friendly smile to someone who might need to know that someone cares. Let your love shine out! Be happy! Appreciate what you have! and keep on dreaming the big ones!

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Future is Now for health insurance reform

How does everyone like being defined by the media? I find it rather reprehensible that I keep on seeing : "The American people want this, the American people don't want that, the American people don't like the health care plan!"

I really think the darker forces are in fighting so hard to stay in control, they keep on making this stuff up. The insurance companies don't want to be reigned in even though they make billions in profits! How much profit do you have to make before the original intent of what your business is all about shrivels up and dies?! The intent being to provide health care coverage to Americans.

I suspect they are just plain scared. But they better get over it. Because we elected a leader who will be tough for us. We have to do our part and communicate to our representatives forcefully, "you will be out of office if you don't deliver."

I bet if you asked any one person the following questions they would know at least one person, family or friend, who fit the description:

1. Inability to pay for coverage.

2. Preexisting condition.

3. Billing problems and/or unwillingness to listen to customer.

4. Can't carry insurance to next job.

5. Can't carry insurance to new home in other state.

6. Won't cover certain claims.

7. Takes a really long time to process your claim.

8. Won't pay because you didn't ask for permission to go to that hospital when faced with an emergency.

9. Wonder why you were billed $30 for a box of bandaids.

10. Wonder why you had to take three tests that all said the same thing and were charged for each one.

Insurance companies get it together. It is seeming like this is the era for Vampire Capitalism, as Dylan Rattigan calls it, to come to an end. Maybe kicking and screaming, but it is ending. How much do you want to salvage your companies from total destruction by the coming rage of the American people. It's better to just chip off most of the bad stuff and settle for $4 billion profit instead of $30. Don't you think?

The Future is Now

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Top ten reasons why my cat was a dog

1. Knew how to heel.

2. Had a well developed herding instinct.

3. Liked to lick our dinner plates clean.

4. Answered to the name of Mr.

5. Played fetch with sticks.

6. Liked to stick his head out of the car window.

7. Kept an eye on visitors.

8. Came when called.

9. Was loyal beyond his years.

10. Slept with a dog.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ode to Mr. Gray

Today is my cat's last day here. He is nineteen years old and in failing health. Making the decision to put an animal to 'sleep,' as we so innocently call it, is not an easy decision. We have known for quite a long time that our cat was in declining health. With a large tumor that was inoperable-the doctors said an operation, while possible, would most certainly kill the cat. Hormones to make him more comfortable were possible and tried. Spitting out his pills daily, I didn't have the will to force him to take them. As life went on, our cat, a gray, neutered male lived on and one. One of the most stubborn, willful animals I have had the pleasure to live with!

He was part of our family for such a long time. He outlived his mother KC by a year. When he was born, he was part of a litter of seven kittens. He was the only gray one and always seemed part siamese due to his incessant meowing. He had us trained to open the door for him ( would knock our pottery off the counter if he couldn't get our attention), feed him on demand (same annoying habit) even though he had plenty of food in his bowl, and trip us up while walking. The last came about from growing up with our dog Beauty. They would sleep together, as Mr. Gray's mother, also living with us, soundly rejected him with fierce swats across the face. He really identified with Beauty. As Beauty had part sheep herder in her, Mr. Gray must have observed the herding instinct as for most of life he would walk with us at the heel and then cut in front of us to direct us the way he wanted.

My husband swore that Mr. Gray wanted to kill him as he would often herd him at night when he was walking back from our studio up to the house. We think it was an unfortunate behavioral trait that he couldn't help. He just thought that he was a dog, like Beauty. Maybe being a dog gave him more status. Since his mother was so openly hostile and also the favored cat, a sweet calico with no annoying traits, I am sure that if he couldn't be a real dog in this life, he will come back as one in the next!

Many people, including myself, believe that living with animals is a special honor. Whatever we experience with these creatures, they are always teaching us lessons about our life. Reflecting back our emotional state they teach us to care for the most vulnerable. Even if most animals could hunt and exist in society apart from the home environment, as many homeless animals do contracting disease, the cat or dog choose to eat our prepared meals and manufactured animal chow. They love us to feed them; they love us to care for them. They seem to be love junkies and then give that love back to us when we love them.

Cats are peculiar animals and some people are called cat people and some people are called dog people. If you are an animal lover, you recognize the essence of spirit in every creature, big and small, dog or cat, donkey or goat, bird or turtle. You are kind to them, try to do your best to make them comfortable, take care of their needs and let them surprise you with their fun, amusing, unique, annoying feats.

Mr. Gray you are one of a kind. I will look for you to return but please don't be a herder next time!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Curious Point in Time in which we are all living

I was sitting at my kitchen table eating breakfast and looking outside at the trees. I find a beauty in their nakedness with all their leaves stripped off. It may be from the time of year I was born, the fall, and those were some of my first images my retina was processing. What I like about the trees now is that you can see their basis structure. There are these straight, curvy, bent, contorted vertical wood shapes, each different from the other. I like looking at them.

While I was mulling over the view and enjoying my egg, this strange crashing sound was happenning at the same time. Several cardinals fly around the bushes outside and perch in my azaleas. I can't tell if it's the same one but a very bright red one, must be the male, keeps on crashing into a mirror I have hanging outside on my laundry wall. ( I have an outdoor laundry area that has a few walls around it.) It is the funniest thing. He darts by and then all of a sudden goes in front of the mirror fluttering like crazy and then slams himself into it. I have tried to photograph him from inside the house and also standing very quietly outside the house but he is way too quick to let me capture him. I would probably have to post a tripod with a video to record the smashing of the red bird. What astonishes me is the repetition. I assume its the same bird and he does this over and over again. He never gets that the image he is seeing is himself, so attracted is he to the likeness of himself. Obviously the pain of hitting the hardness of the mirror hasn't daunted him. He comes back for more pleasure and pain repeatedly.

The lessons of the red bird are not lost on me. So much of our life is repeated activities. Some of it works. Some of it doesn't. It's all life but I can't help thinking that, like the red bird, humanity needs to move on and quit hurting itself with repeated activites that only cause pain and never lead to real answers.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Stalked by My Cat

The last few days have been rather peculiar. I am alone at my home because my husband is away at a seminar in Washington. I live in a rural area in the country and normally I have no problem living a the end of a road in the woods in Florida. The nights are incredible. I can see the full sky at night and relish those walks when the meteors are flying all over the place. I was reminded of the natural cycle of life and death last week when the full moon was aglow. The cows which border our property were mooing all night long. Calling out to each other, back and forth, back and forth. I realized that the females were birthing. It was February and from past years I began to remember that they give birth in the winter. The next day my husband saw small cows next to their mothers up the road. Sweet!

So I am alone and no one is around. It is getting colder and colder outside. From an afternoon temperature of 70, it has now dropped to about 42. I am relaxing after working in my studio all day and am rather exhausted from the concentration. I fixed myself an Indian frozen dinner, rice, spinach, and tofu with a few beans with sauce. It was great! Now a cup of after dinner decaf. I have been drinking a Kona coffee decaffeinated at night, no caffeine after 4 or I can't sleep, or worse, I sleep and then wake up at 2 when the caffeine really kicks in and then can't go back to sleep. So, settling down with my decaf and ready to watch a series on the telly that I love so much, Da Vinci's Inquest on Sleuth. It's an old Canadian Broadcast series, well, the latest episodes were produced on the first half of the first decade of 2000. The acting is terrific, the plot rivals the Wire, in my opinion, maybe a little tamer and the pathos is all there.

So I'm sitting, heater on, blanket on, drink nearby and up jumps Mr. Gray. Mr. Gray also known in his earlier days as PC or Pottery Cat is eighteen years old. He is trim, slightly demented with a notch in his ear from a cat fight about six years ago and all gray. He starts nuzzling my knee. Pushes his nose right into it. Not once but twice. I say, "Stop it." Then gently push him away. He has a nice blanket on the chair next to me that he will eventually go to. He likes to sit on the edge of the easy boy recliner when it is at full position, on top of my blanket. It's a great position because he can sleep and be warm and he is on the blanket and not bothering me.

I mainly don't want to have my drink spill on myself or him. I often let him sit on me if he doesn't do kitty biscuits. He is eighteen and still does kitty biscuits. I believe that he has problems stemming from mother rejection when he was a baby.

Mr. Gray grew up with our two dogs. And that relationship with one of the dogs has formed his personality and possibly warped him. A case of mistaken identity. One day my husband, to whom I had casually been talking about getting a dog for our two young children, brought home two young puppies, black labs. Not purebreeds. A mix of dachshund and shepherd perhaps. Rather strange in a way with shorter legs, the dachshund, and the shape of the face more like a German shepherd. They were sisters. I was kind of p***** off at my husband because I didn't have a say in choosing the animals, would of only chosen one, knowing that I would end up being the caretaker. But the children seemed to be okay with all of this so I was game. The problem was the alpha dog. The dominant female was so aggressive in guarding us that she wouldn't let the sister be first or come to us individually. If she tried to come to us, the alpha dog would make her grovel when she approached us. I hated that. I hate groveling period. And to see a wonderful animal like a dog grovel when she can be relaxed and confident in her dogdom was disturbing. This was going on for a very long time. Months turned into years and I was unsuccessful in changing either dogs behavior. I started praying for the alpha's demise. I couldn't stand seeing the abuse. I didn't know how to stop it and should have taken a doggie discipline class. Shoulda, coulda.

One day the alpha disappeared. Since the dog was in our care, we did make an effort to look for her. Secretly I was so happy! Maybe someone took her! Maybe she found another home! We kept on looking. Days went by. She never returned. A few months later my sister in law, who lived 1/4 mile away said she was taking a walk up by Brownlee creek. This is a huge tract of land that was originally going to be developed but the county didn't want to invest in utilities where we live. So it just sat there and was great for exploring. Linda said that in her walk she came upon a few bags of garbage in the woods quite a ways away. Nearby was the skeletal figure of an animal that she presumed to be our dog. We figure that Lady got into some bad garbage somehow and died. That was the end of her life on planet earth.

Well, Mr. Gray couldn't have been happier. His mother KC, a very sweet loving cat, had rejected Mr. Gray when he was a baby. We aren't sure if she did this to teach him independence or if she really didn't like him. KC was our cat too and she always seemed to swat him out of the way. He found companionship with the alpha dog's sister, our remaining dog, Beauty. Beauty and Mr. Gray would lay together. They were quite a twosome. Finally Beauty could walk around and hold her head up high. It took a while to teach her that she didn't have to grovel and a slight condensation remained but for the most part she came out of herself and seemed happier. She became our dog. And her and Mr. Gray were companions.

The only thing we began to notice is that Mr. Gray started herding us. Beauty used to chase the cows sometimes, a latent herding instinct, I guess. Mr. Gray was pretty smart and for some reason thought this was cool. He began herding us. Not cool. He would be walking with us down the path between our house and the studio which was okay. Then all of a sudden he would merge in front of us and make us stumble and trip over him. He never got over this habit. It is especially dangerous at night when I can't see him. I know he is there walking with me. I just don't know when he is going to turn into me. I have to tell him, " move over, don't get in front of me. I don't want to step on you."

So we have this old cat now. Still does kitty biscuits. Herds. Rubs into me obsessively. Stares.

Okay, cats stare. I have had cats my whole life and I love them. But Mr. Gray has an old, I've been around for 100 cat lives kind of stare. I have gotten used to it but sometimes it is creepy.
So he gets up and goes into the kitchen. Food is there. Water is there. Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. Okay, Okay, Okay. Put Da Vinci on pause. Maybe if I give some Boar's Head chicken he will leave me alone. It's worked before. I put one half of a slice in his bowl shredded. He goes for it. Great! Now leave me alone!.

I go back to my perch. Da Vinci is fighting with the mayor and police chief. A conspiracy is brewing. It is getting good although my drink has cooled down too much. I wonder if I should heat it up in the microwave. All of a sudden I look up and the cat is on the counter staring at me. I decide not to get up. I continue to watch my show. It's really heating up. One drug dealer is so devious; he is setting up another detective to discredit her so he can advance. Real slimy. Now the cat is on the table in front of me sitting full stance between me and the TV. "What's the matter," I ask. He continues to stare. Now he is getting ready to jump on me. He puts his paw on my blanket, timidly. You can come over, I tell him. Just don't do kitty biscuits. He comes over but doesn't listen.

He starts trying to climb up to the upper body position. I watch and wait to see if he does kitty biscuits. He starts doing kitty biscuits. I take his paws and gently fold them under. "See, like this," I tell him and gently try to push him to sit or lay down. He finally settles down by my stomach on the blanket.

This will be repeated each day, each night, each month forever. He is Mr. Gray.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ending a Decade of the Wild Side

2008 has been quite an adventurous year. Campaigns that went on too long but then became exciting, financial markets collapsing, and housing markets vanishing are just three of the zingers we all witnessed. For me personally I feel like I have been holding onto my hat and feeling a very strong wind blowing all around me. Sometimes I ignore it and sometimes I feel frightened. One thing I have learned about fear is that when I feel it, it has to be transmuted. I need to let it out from my solar plexus and send it on its way. I let in a breath of spirit, my own essence and tell myself that fear is false, does no good, and that I need to listen to my higher intelligence which is always giving me solutions and paths to follow for my own good. This has never failed me and is a great source of comfort. Sometimes I whisper from my heart for the guidance and it also never fails. Of course I have to be willing to be open and trust in the infinite wisdom of the manager and the open hand that is holding me and taking me on this journey.

Of all my studies, I love what I can gleam from the astrological research of many individuals. As an intuitive cosmotrologer (new ID, I love it) I can tell that upheavals will be the course of the day. Renewals will be there hand in hand as well. And new structures will be placed in our lives both personal and global that we will have to live with. Personally Pluto digs deep and eliminates all the garbage that is holding us back from being free and happy. Of course, we don't always know this and hang on to our stuff, emotional and material, for dear life. The weight of the throw off is so freeing that it may be confusing as a more lighter open space is created for us to operate and we get used to the new construct.

Just like throwing off heavy winter clothes, you sometimes want to feel the weight because that is what you are used to. Once you get used to the feel of lightness you may never want to go back and add those dense, heavy coats onto your psyche.

Pluto's reign in Capricorn will take place over many years, having begun in 2008 and ending in 2023, and where that sign falls in your chart will determine the area of life where you will have the most reorganization taking place. I have prepared some thoughts about each of these areas and can help you with this transforming event taking place. An interpretive natal chart can guide you through life's adventures. Decoding the planetary symbols and learning about the geometric aspects of the planets interacting with each other in a very unique way in each chart is a personal revelation. Seeing the plan that was put in motion at your birth is instructive and an eye opener.

Pluto in Capricorn in the First House:

Two of your greatest strengths are a very reasoned approach or mental strength and the intensity of emotion that goes with its expression. A more moderated approach and gentleness with your interactions with others will go much further and keep the honor and integrity that means so much to you intact.

Pluto in Capricorn in the Second House:

New strategies for dealing with finances may need to be considered. The same cautious disciplined approach may not be adequate for where you want to go in the next decade. The pragmatic attention you give your finances should continue but get rid of what hasn't been working. New ideas can work even better than the tired old approaches.

Pluto in Capricorn in the Third House:

Your serious interest in the mysteries of life or the goingons in your neighborhood point to your inherent talent as a researcher. New areas of interest and study will be bubbling to the surface and you can't wait to talk about it. Don't be too bummed if the usual suspects don't respond. Find some new ones who share your concerns.

Pluto in Capricorn in the Fourth House:

Security, comfort, and an pleasant environment for family and entertaining has always been important to you. Upheavals in how you live, where you live, who you live with may be in store. Realize that the new structures you may have to build at home are for a new time and will serve you better for the coming years.

Pluto in Capricorn in the Fifth House:

Deeper responses to love, people and life in general will be desired and felt. Your creative activities and/or dealings with children will take on brighter intensity and more meaningful associations. Your ability to see the best in everyone will be felt by others and attract many wonderful encounters.

Pluto in Capricorn in the Sixth House:

Accuracy, mental soundness, and devotion to duty have always asserted themselves in the workplace. Let the mental magnetism that is your personal attribute surface and help push you to a position of respected authority and worldly security.

Pluto in Capricorn in the Seventh House:

This is your time to rise to great heights through following your ideals or goals. By using your magnetic personality and inspirational faith but compromising when necessary you will make more progress in your relationships. Cooperation will take you much farther and bring about more success with people. Try not to learn this the hard way.

Pluto in Capricorn in the Eighth House:

If you were ever going to benefit from the assets of others this could be the time. Prizes, inheritances, profits from property, and other gifts may come from unusual sources, certainly not what you expected. Be a good steward and invest your newly found wealth conservatively and to benefit others as well as yourself.

Pluto in Capricorn in the Ninth House:

If you have ever considered exploring a new philosophy or religion, you won't be able to help yourself from going there. It's time to consider what's really true, as truth is important to you; don't worry about the change. You will quickly get behind your new beliefs and enjoy the greater understandings and how it benefits the deeper meaning of your life.

Pluto in Capricorn in the Tenth House:

You have been climbing to the top for a long time. Maybe a new approach is in order. Let your instincts that you sometimes ignore and stiffle come through and lead you to the life you really want. Consequently, you may not be able to stop the subconscious from showing you how to get there. It's all for the good. Let it rip!

Pluto in Capricorn in the Eleventh House:

Social ties are important to you but your usual groups may feel stale and uninspiring to you. Express yourself and listen to others. Connections will come about that will give you new friends to socialize with and inspire with your natural charisma.

Pluto in Capricorn in the Twelfth House:

Whatever is holding your back may not even be obvious to you. Psychological constraints, confining dreams, strict environments may have been a part of your life for a very long time. Pluto says a life of more freedom with a more mature structure that you can get behind is coming. We can't live without structure but having a humane caring world for yourself can be achieved.