One thing that is disturbing about politics to me is its emotional content. Words are used to sway the minds of the voters to one way or the other. A simple phrase can invite havoc. When I realized that many of the individuals behind the conservatives were ad men from forty or more years ago, everything began to make sense. That Karl Rove is just a newer version of the older mouthpiece. To them it truly doesn't matter is the stuff they put out there about the other candidates or their own candidates is based on truth or honesty. They just want to win at all costs.
One of the stranger twists of politics has to be George Bush telling John McCain the last time around, "It's not your turn yet." Then the whole smear about his baby, that he fathered an Afro-American child, is so disgusting. Not that if he did would it matter to me? No. What mattered to me is that: 1) He let Bush do that to him and then forgave him. (Good quality, the forgiveness, bad thing, to be manipulated). 2)The premise that elections are decided by
'turns' and not the will of the people. 3)That McCain was hardly ever a 'Maverick'; if he was wouldn't we have known about it and wouldn't some things be different now considering how long he has been in office as Senator. That to have a contrary personality is not being a Maverick. That getting angry is not being a Maverick. That standing up for things that count to the American people is what we need and I don't really see that manifesting in McCain.
He just seems wooden, can't articulate worth beans...please let us get an articulate man in the White House. Please let us get someone who can see through all the bs and move our country forward in all ways. Please let us get someone who can do the tough things and understands all Americans and their needs and concerns.
I don't really like feeling like that only the religious right has valid points of view. That only they have the 'right' moral stance. And that everyone else is going to hell. It is a mental defect to think that in all the incredibleness of this vast universe of molecules, nano particles, magnetic fields, beautiful flowers, hugh life giving and destroying waters, wonderful cloud formations and myriad colors, shapes, languages, cultural identities, and ways of thinking there is only one way to view the world. And it is quote: only the religious right's way.
I do think that something scared these people, some feeling of hopelessness, or not being loved, or wanting to be in control; I am not talking about an actual experience of spirituality.
Because if God or the Father, the Maker, the Universal Manager, or what ever you want to call this force that pervades everything exists or you believe it exists, there can be no limit on it. There can be no one point of view, no only I am right viewpoint, no my way or the highway.
That's why it is so important to have leaders that want to work for the 'common' good, for a pluralistic country, for the interests of all Americans.
That's why firing officials who aren't part of your social circle is not a good policy. That's why no bid contracts are not fair to all concerned. Why in the interest of some really desperate people, we have Rode vs. Wade, actually saving lives of women as it does not save their fetus. And why sex education and the use of condoms can do both so simply and it is so stupid to not see this.
Why is Palin being pushed through on us? Why won't they let us find out more about her without constantly being told, stop the press from going after her, stop being sexist? There is a lot to learn about her and I don't think she is the one who will work for all of our concerns.
I think someone could grow up in Alaska and be intelligent and understand issues as much as someone growing up anywhere if they have an inquiring mind. I don't think she is one of them. She is charismatic and that is her strong suit. Working with diverse people and being able to address their concerns without an agenda I don't see for Sarah Palin.
Please read the Huffington Post for the NYTimes read on Electing Sarah Palin. It addresses many questions and details her actions through time.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
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